Here's a massive new mass-spec-based screen of drug effects: Proteome-Wide Atlas of Drug Mechanism of Action. 875 drugs were tested in the hct116 (colon cancer) line, and there wasn't any compromising on sensitivity in the name of efficiency or budget; about 7700 proteins were detected for each of the 875 perturbations.
Another nice feature of the study is the fact that most of the 875 drugs were chosen to have very specific, as opposed to broad, targets. Thus, you can ask questions like "How does BACE1 inhibition compare to BACE1 knockdown?"
Needless to say, we entered all the results in our database. 875 tests, each with up- and down-regulated portions, adds 1750 gene lists to the database. Data was entered simply on the basis of fold-change. Each list contains 100 up- or down-regulated proteins. If, for some reason, you wish to search these 1750 lists exclusively, just paste "proteome-wide atlas of drug mechanism of action" (no quotes) into the "keyword" box in the WIMG tool of your choice. Using the "relevant studies" tool, for example, we found 10 drugs that altered CDK4 protein levels (5 up, and 5 down, coincidentally) in the study.
These sorts of data dumps make our tools all the more powerful. There's more chance that some insight will be generated when you search against an outrageous variety of studies. Unfortunately, the speed of output decreases as the database grows larger. Hopefully, processing power on our server will increase in step with the size of the database. If you find yourself getting antsy while waiting for output, we suggest you use our filters liberally. In particular, the "Restrict IDs" and "Emphasize Internal Significance" filters can decrease processing time substantially.
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